In 1979, Dallas activist Don Baker filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the state sodomy law, which he claimed violated the privacy and equal protection rights of all gay and lesbian Texans. Three years later, the case made headlines when it became the first time a federal court determined that a state law was unconstitutional based on the rights of gay and lesbian citizens. But would the favorable ruling withstand the appeals process?


Episode 6: Baker v. Wade

Full Interview with Maggie Watt, October 27, 2022 (Audio with transcript)

Full Interview with Craig Washington, August 26, 2022 (Audio with transcript)

Full Interview with Dick Peeples, September 8, 2022 (Audio with transcript)

Full Interview with Karen Wisely, August 12, 2022 (Audio with transcript)

Oral History Interview with Mike Anglin, by Karen Wisely (Transcript)

Oral History Interview with Harryette Ehrhardt, by Karen Wisely (Transcript)

Maggie Watt Speaking to The Dallas Way, January 28, 2016 (Video)

Harryette Ehrhardt Speaking to The Dallas Way, June 27, 2013 (Video)

Dick Peeples Speaking to The Dallas Way, January 28, 2016 (Video)

Finding Our Voice documentary (Video)

The Donald F. Baker Collection, University of North Texas Digital Library

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of the Fifth Annual Texas Gay Conference, June 10, 1978 (part 1) (Video with transcript)

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of the Fifth Annual Texas Gay Conference, June 10, 1978 (part 2) (Video with transcript)

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of Legislative Attempts to Repeal the Texas Homosexual Conduct Law, October 17, 1978 (Video with transcript)

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of Gay Politics, October 20, 1978 (Video with transcript)

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of Baker v. Wade, June 15, 1981 (Video with transcript)

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of the Dallas Gay Pride Parade, June 21, 1981 (Video with transcript)

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of Judge Jerry Buchmeyer’s Ruling in Baker v. Wade, August 17, 1982 (Video with transcript)

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of Baker v. Wade, September 21, 1984 (Video with transcript)

KXAS-NBC 5 News Coverage of Baker v. Wade, June 13, 1985 (Video with transcript)